BY: Mac Eric Garmonyou Freeman
In an Effort To mitigate the harsh reality of what several Liberians go through in Monrovia and its environs daily to fetch Clean and safe drinking water for themselves and their family; A Non – Governmental organization (NGO) in the Eva HUSTON PANTRY with financial support from the River Road United Methodist Church Located in the united states of America on Thursday, January 21, 2025 Came to the aid of the Comfort K. Toe orphanage home in the Christopolis Community in Brewerville City.
For years now the Comfort K. Toe Orphanage home and the Christopolis community have faced severe challenges in accessing safe and clean Drinking water, which often led to health concerns and daily hardships.
The EVA HUSTON PANTRY was founded on October 10, 2018 with the Sole vision and mission of helping the needy and less fortunate Liberians. The organization which is a fully registered NGO in Liberia is currently based in Liberia and the United States of America.
Speaking at the Dedication Ceremony of the Newly constructed hand pump and the presentation of Food items to the comfort k. Toe orphanage home, the CEO of EVA HUSTON PANTRY Madam ESTHER TUOPAY, expressed excitement in giving back to less privileged Liberians mainly Orphans, and how the project was completed on time.
“The Desire to help feed ORPHANS and less privileged Liberians derived from My late mother “EVA HUSTON” Who didn’t allow Others to sleep hungry, whatever we had at home she always shared them with the Needy.
I came to Give food items to this Orphanage home but after doing my Assessment, I discovered that they were suffering for water and I saw the need to construct a hand pump for them. I understand that Water is very much essential for the kids who are living in this Orphanage home and this community at large.
I was once like these kids around here, growing up in Greenville City – sinoe County I used to tow buckets on my head and walk miles to fetch water for my family so I know how important water is.
So River Road UMC I decided to take a portion of your money to construct this hand pump which I believe is going to help in easing their burdens of traveling far Distances or crossing roads while trying to Dogged vehicles, motorbikes, and kehkehs.
Like you, I used to be hungry myself that is why I brought these food items to you at least this will go a long way in helping this Orphanage home. You are always in my heart wherever I go and I am always happy when you are happy, whenever you are happy I feel like I have won the world.
In conclusion, Let me extend my gratitude to the Administrator of the Comfort K. Toe orphanage home for always welcoming us at the orphanage and also to my sponsor and partner the River Road United Methodist church for your financial and moral support to me and my NGO”.
She also Distributed food items to The School of the Deaf, school of the Blind, the Christian Association of the blind and the Bishop F. Kulah Cottage.
Also speaking at the event was the administrator of the Comfort K. Toe orphanage Mr. Stanley, Who appreciated the EVA HUSTON PANTRY and the River Road UMC for their kind gesture and donations to his orphanage home.
“I have always heard that what God can’t do Doesn’t Exist and today I have seen the work of God for myself.
I want to be grateful to Madam Esther Tuopay who is always here giving Food and clothes to us at Comfort K. Toe orphanage home and today she has brought a serious relief to us by constructing this hand pump.
It is like a dream come through for us, for so many years these kids have been struggling for clean safe drinking water, they will always take risks crossing the road to go and fetch water to get prepared for school in the early morning hours and to use for others essential needs but from what we are seeing here today I know that the struggle for water is over.
He also used the occasion to inform Madam Toupay, of some of the conditions that they are faced with and apple for more assistance for the orphanage home.
“We have 40 children that we are caring for at this institution plus other kids from within the community who are attending this school. I have planned this institution program in such a way that we anticipate moving from dependent to independent in a few years.
We have a farm In BOMI County where we have started planting crops and we are going to sell some to generate money and keep some for eating.
He narrated how he was let down by the Red Cross who came to help construct their hand pump but things didn’t materialize.
“Words are inadequate for me to express how happy I am today for this hand pump, I can recall that months back a Representative from the Red Cross came here and Carried out an assessment and he later said that it was too expensive for them to construct this pump but you came and constructed this pump within three days, this is like a dream to me”.
You have given the kids from Comfort K. Toe Orphanage home life by Giving us this water.
He concluded by extending thanks and appreciation to EVA HUSTON PANTRY and River Road UMC for the modern hand pump.