However, the program according to CJPS, it is expected to end in August of this year.
Margibi County: A training gear to integrate the watch team members into the early warning reporting system of Liberia brought together 90 Community Watch Team members from six of the 42 communities in Kakata.
According to Center for Justice and Peace Studies (CJPS) program manager, 90 participants were drilled to understand various steps that followws early warning reporting system, peace building mechanism and other things amongst community watch team members including conflict mediations and mitigations were key during the training exercise amongst the watch team members.
Francis Senkpanie Konyon told journalists that community watch team members from five of the fifteen Counties are beneficiaries of the ongoing training with funding from UNDP.
Francis Konyon maintained that CJPS is collaborating with Liberia’s Peace Building Office to ensure that implementation of training for community watch team members in peace and conflicts resolutionstion are made visible in the five counties ahead of the 2023 elections.
He named Bong, Margibi, Montserrado, Nimba and Lofa as counties of concentration.
Meanwhile, Margibi County Administration in a statement addressed to participants attending the daylong capacity training exercise, commended CJPS and PBO for the joint initiative towards peace and conflicts mitigation amongst dwellers in the County ahead of thisthis year’s elections.