Eight-year-old George Smith, a compassionate young boy from Delaware, USA, brought smiles to the faces of children at the Julutah Orphanage Home on GSA Road on Monday, December 30.
With a heart full of generosity and arms laden with toys and clothes, George shared gifts with the children, turning an ordinary day into an extraordinary one. George, who has always shown a deep sense of empathy for others, said his visit was inspired by gratitude.
“The Lord has blessed me, and I wanted to share those blessings with some of my friends who don’t have a home,” he said with a bright smile. During his visit, George made sure to personally greet every child at the orphanage.
He handed each of them a toy or a piece of clothing, ensuring no one was left out. As he presented the gifts, George expressed his Christmas wishes for all the children to have joy, warmth, and love during the festive season. He also promised to always remember the amazing children he met at the orphanage, saying, “They’ve made my heart so full, and I’ll never forget this day.”
The staff at Julutah Orphanage were moved by George’s selflessness. “It’s rare to see someone so young demonstrating such compassion and generosity,” said one caregiver. “George has truly touched the hearts of everyone here.” George’s visit has left an indelible mark on the children at Julutah Orphanage, showing them that love and kindness can come from anyone, anywhere.
The day ended with laughter, gratitude, and hope, as the children enjoyed their new toys and clothes, a memory that will surely stay with them for years to come. The Julutah Orphanage is a Government run home established in 2021 to cater for children who are being abused. The home is currently being supported by UNICEF.