WEALA: Margibi County district#5 representative aspirant Madam Alice Baysah have ended a one day Symposium for senior students.
The day long event brought together students from several high schools in District#5 Margibi County, the program was held under the theme “Senior Students After WASSCE Career Development Program” was the first of it’s kind in District.
The career program was meant to motivate students about their life after high school and help them develope their Careers, and not to be distracted by peers.
Giving a words of encouragement during the program, Madam Alice T. Baysah call on students to venture into initiatives that will help them forward their education and not feel comfortable of high school achievement.
She however she asserted that any of the student who will make a successful pass in any five of the WASSCE subjects will benefit from her financial aid / Scholarship programs upon graduation.
Madam Baysah also used the occasion to call on the students to make the best decision comes October 10, 2023 as Liberians goes to the polls to elect new breed of leaders, indicating that they should know her for themselves and not to believe any negative propaganda against her saying that she is a mother who would like to see the youths being direct beneficiaries of the District’s fund when elected as the next representative of the district.
“I am aware of most of you reaching the voting range, as much I did not organized this occasion based on politic. I want to ask you all to vote wisely as election approaches” she said.
Serving as lead speaker at the daylong careers and development program, Mr. Emmanuel T. Degleh manager of Classic FM encouraged the students to firstly identify who they are by using the SWOT analysis; identifying their Strengthen, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats that they might encounter as they strives to achieve higher education.
He further noted that by using the SWOT analysis, students will be able to use their strengths in dealing with their weaknesses and threats thereby helping them to achieve in making use of opportunities available.Adding that they should remain focused and avoid any form of distraction in making sure that they achieve their goal.
For their part, the students expressed gratitude to Madam Alice T. Baysah for being fast sighted in helping them to develop their careers as it is first kind for such program to held in District#5 Margibi County which according to them, lessons have been learned from the day long Symposium will be used in helping them to achieve their educational goals.