The 15th commencement speaker of the Barcolleh Standard Health and Laboratory center, Momo Dinah is calling on the government of Liberia to increase the ministry of health budget.
Delivering his keynote address Mr. Dinah said Nurses play various roles in the health sector of every country, noting that the profession is commonly associated with doctors and are generally found in clinical settings. He at the same time added that as a nurse educator one will be responsible for inspiring, teaching, mentoring, and educating prospective nurses about the responsibilities they will shoulder in their career ahead.

The former Montserrado district #1 candidate however noted that the healthcare sector is consistently shifting; new concepts, innovations, and technological devices are entering the health sector. Mr. Dinah meanwhile noted educating nurse required a team effort, indicating that a single person can’t educate a health worker, which according to him they need to know their job,Meanwhile the head of the institution is calling on the graduating class to make use of the knowledge acquire in order to serve the public.
Something she said will show their true identity as health workers, Madam Dorothy Q. Barcolleh however encourages students of the school to remain focused in obtaining knowledge from whatever is taught by instructors at the institution.
Also speaking at the occasion the valedictorian of the class uses the medium to call on his colleagues to make sure they represent the institution after obtaining such knowledge, he also lauded the teaching staff and the administration for offering said knowledge to individuals whose passion is to save lives.