Margibi County: The Security Council of Margibi County has launched an alleviating program for institutions in Kakata, giving the synopsis of the occasion Margibi Security Council chairperson Mr. T. Ocarleus Subah noted that the program is intended to aid institutions that are working in making sure that Margibi County is safe.
He further maintained that institutions with such responsibility are facing challenges in carrying out their duties indicating that with the lack of support toward those institutions by county authority and National Government, citizens of the county are heading for danger.
However, the Margibi Security Council Boss use the medium to call on the national government and other alleviating partners to come to the aid of Margibi in order to have the county and its populace safe from future humiliation.
At the same time, Mr. T. Ocarleus Subah added that institutions to benefit from the alleviating program when successful include: Margibi early warning, city corporations, the disabled community, joint security, and others.
Meanwhile, Margibi County inspector has expressed frustration over the abandonment of programs by county officials, Mr. Moses Kpakanay Gbankpala said it has become the constant hobbit of county officials boycotting programs of interest.
According to him leaders of the county should be willing at all time to listen to the problem that affects citizens of the county, “we as leader of Margibi County must attend program organized by our people, be it lawmaker or superintendent because they are the ones who give us the power that we enjoy today” he said.
Gbankpala at the same time cautioned county officials to desist from constantly boycotting important programs.
Serving as peace speaker at the occasion Rev. Emmanuel Jutonue Giddings a senatorial aspirant of Margibi County said Margibi is a land blessed with natural beauty and a vibrant community that has the potential to become a shining example of peace and harmony, which will connect everyone and create a peaceful paradise in Liberia.
“We are a county made up of various ethnic groups, religious traditions, and beliefs, as well as cultural diversity. It is in this diversity that we find our strength, that though we are many yet we are one” he added.
The Margibi senatorial hopeful further stated that embracing diversity is not just about tolerance, he said it is about understanding, appreciation, and respect for one another. Something he said Margibians has a story to tell, a perspective to share, and a role to play in their collective journey to sustaining the peace.
The G- PAT boss also added that the concept of peace is timeless and universal, throughout history noting that great minds have spoken of its importance and its ability to transform societies.
“We must always engage in open and honest conversations, actively listen to one another and seek common ground. It is through these conversations that we can amicably handle our difference, and build a foundation of trust that each of us matters” he said.
The Methodist preacher man also added that Margibi as a county must invest in quality education, ensuring that every child in Margibi has access to a nurturing learning environment.
Rev. Emmanuel Jutonue Giddings however caution Margibians to maintain the peace of Margibi county as Liberia head to another election according to him 2023 elections holds immense consequence for Margibi and Liberia at large.