Margibi County: Liberia’s former Minister of States for Presidential Affairs, now Coalition for Democracy Change (CDC) Senatorial Candidate of Margibi County Nathaniel Falo McGill have promise the people of Margibi County pavement of major streets and the rebuilding of the County’s only referrer hospital if elected as the next senator of the October 10, 2023 elections.
The former Liberian leader made the statement at a thank you tour organized by members of the Coalition for Democracy Change (CDC) in Margibi County, the former Minister of States for Presidential Affairs Nathaniel Falo McGill asserted that Margibi County needs better than what it currently posses.

The CDC senatorial candidate further stated that since the only government referrer hospital gutted fire in August of 2020, officials of the County is yet to have the hospital rebuild, which according to him money have been place into national budget for the rebuilding of the Charles Henry Rennie Hospital. (C.H. Rennie)
According to former Minister McGill his coming to Margibi County leadership is a boost for the county, stating that when elected as senator, Margibi County will be delivered from under development.
Meanwhile the Margibi Senatorial Hopeful also added that when elected as the next senator of Margibi County, he will work out modalities with the Weah’s led administration in making sure that there will be more budgetary allotment for ministry of Education in order to create a free space for education in Margibi County and Liberia at large.
He at the same time admonish citizens of Margibi County to transition their support into votes in order to give him the opportunity to bring those needed developments to the County.
” I can only bring those development to Margibi County if you people will vote me on October 10, as the next senator of Margibi County” he added.
The former Liberian leader however said the only way he can get those development to Margibi County, is making sure that President Weah is re_elected as president of Liberia something he said if Margibi County must be developed they need a leader that will have access to the president to Make the case of the county.
” Margibi County needs a leader who can knack on the door of the president at anytime to remind him of what he promised Margibians” McGill said.